Name Action

Now we have a couple of options to go from here. You can either continue writing this action to include other names, or you can write a different action for each name you have in your list. If your list changes often, I would suggest doing a different action for each name.

If you save your tags in different formats, then you would need to make a different Action Set for the formats. Those sets would include different actions for each name.

If you want to continue writing new names in the same action, then go back to the *** Continuation Prompt ***

You need only press the record button again to continue.

If you want to make a new name for each action, go further up to the *** New Action Prompt *** to start a new action.

If you would also like to have an action for saving PNG or JPG files, do the whole instructions again, with a new Action Set named PNG and another named JPG.

The ONLY difference in the formats is the export. Instead of exporting as a gif, change the dropdown box to PNG-24 or JPEG.

Just to show you the size of the action upon continuation, I have made a little recording of my actions panel. Just for the record, the “Stop” is an optional part between each time I recorded for one name. I have 10 names for each of the formats (gif and png) and 5 snag phrases for GIF files. I will eventually make myself a snag list for PNG files, too.

To find the Stop, you can click the 4 horizontal lines at the top-right of the panel. Choose “Insert Stop.” You can add a message if you like. You can deactivate the stop by un-checking it in the panel as I have done. Unchecking it will ensure the uninterrupted play of the action.